May Morris
May Morris - feminist, socialist, activist, businesswoman, embroideress, and daughter of William Morris - was a master designer, and needlework and embroidery artist, who was an important figure in the Arts and Crafts Movement.
How to Make an 8 Bit Video Game Cross Stitch
Making a cross-stitch pattern based on an 8-bit video game is a perfect project to celebrate your favorite game characters.
How to Make a Journal
Learn how to make a journal for yourself or your kids. Watch easy-to-follow instructions meant for a beginner, using either a needle and thread or a sewing machine.
Beginner Kits for Crafty Kids
Find out which beginner crafting kits are geared towards teens and pre-teens. We list some of our favorite kits, arts and crafts supplies, crafting tools, crafting books, and guides geared for creative kids aged 7 - 16.
For the Love of Cross Stitch
Emma McKee has redefined the art and craft of cross-stitching, making pieces about art, poetry, and music.
The Making of a Landscape Quilt
Watch nine months of quilt-making condensed into 3.5 minutes in Canadian textile artist Laurie Swim's studio.
Preserving Textiles
Learn how to preserve textile pieces, including quilts, blankets, and needlework items.
Ari Embroidery
Ari embroidery, also known as ari work, is a type of decorative needlework which produces a chain stitch.
How to Make a Boro Bag
Explore the elegance of long, decorative reinforced sashiko stitching, incorporated into a patchwork fabric bag.
How to Felt a Wool Sweater
Learn how to felt wool sweaters so you can use the dense fabric to make other projects - like mittens and slippers.
Sashiko Videos
Watch videos to help you get started in the Japanese technique of sashiko stitching.
Museum Collection Images
Explore a list of museums, libraries, and corporate collections which have made their digital photo libraries available to the public.
Sashiko Stitching
Learn about Sashiko, a Japanese technique of needlework quilting stitchery which has endured through the centuries.
Charitable Crafters
Learn how you can give a boost to those in need, creating items that will be cherished and appreciated.
5 Ways to Repurpose T-Shirts
Read about 5 inspiring ways to upcycle and repurpose t-shirts.
DIY Mindset
Learn where to find thriftily-sourced items for craft projects.
How to Sew a Simple Quilt
Learn the basic steps of quilt-making.
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